
Budget & Financials

Budgeting Schedule

The Lassen Library District fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.
The budgetary schedule of events is as follows:

April The long range plan is reviewed and revised as necessary.
Current year accomplishments are compared to those planned and uncompleted goals are continued to the next year.
Preliminary budget is developed.
May Preliminary budget is submitted to Board of Library Trustees for a first reading.
June Final budget is presented to Board of Library Trustees for approval.
Current fiscal year ends June 30
July New fiscal year begins July 1.
January Mid-year review of the budget is conducted.

The Fiscal Year 2023 - 2024 Budget

At its July 20, 2023 meeting the Board of Library Trustees approved the District's initial operating budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. 

The Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating Budget (PDF) document contains a detailed description of all income and expense items in the budget. The following tables and charts summarize those items.



Annual Audits of Financial Condition

The District's financial records are audited by a certified public accountant each year after the close of the fiscal year.  Links to the last five years' audits follow:

FY 2018, ending June 30, 2018 (PDF)
FY 2019, ending June 30, 2019 (PDF)
FY 2020, ending June 30, 2020 (PDF)
FY 2021, ending June 30, 2021 (PDF)
FY 2022, ending June 30, 2022 (PDF)
FY 2023, ending June 30, 2023 (PDF)


Annual District Financial Data Report

The Library District submits an annual financial data report to the California State Controller's Office. Go to the Local Government Financial Data web site, select Special Districts, then search for Lassen Library District to view our reports.


Statement of District Appropriation Limits

The California State Constitution mandates a limit on the amount of tax proceeds that most local government jurisdictions may spend (appropriate) within a fiscal year. Charges for services, fees, grants, loans, donations and other non-tax proceeds are excluded. The mandate also requires the return of tax revenues that exceed the appropriation limit to citizens through a process of refunds, rebates, or other means. A 1990 modification to the mandate allows more flexibility in the appropriation calculation factors. 

The appropriations limit is based on the annual changes of population within the local government's jurisdictional boundaries and the annual change in the California state per capita income as provided by the State of California Finance Department in January of each year.

The fiscal year 2022-2023 appropriation limit for the Lassen Library District is $506,128. This is well above the $112,010 in tax revenues the Library District expects to receive this fiscal year. Thus the Appropriation Limit mandate is not applicable to the Library District.

1618 Main Street
Susanville, CA 96130
eMail: lassenlibrary @ citlink.net

The library will be closed until Early February 2025 for renovations
***  English as Second Language lessons will continue at Lassen High School and Shaffer Elementary
***  GED Preparation lessons will continue at Lassen High School
***  Basic Computing classes will continue at United Methodist Church
***  Family Literacy Day will continue at United Methodist Church
***  Story Times will continue weekly at Margie's Book Nook
Sunday Closed
Event dates and times will be available on Facebook and the website Calendar of Events

January 1, 2025            New Year's Day
November 27, 2025      Thanksgiving
December 25, 2025      Christmas

Copyright © 2024  Lassen Library District