
Friends of the Library

Who We Are and What We Do 

The Lassen County Friends of the Library is a group of people who value the Lassen Library District and the services it provides to the community and who have joined together to do what we can to give the community the best library possible. 

Our mission is to stimulate public awareness for the Lassen Library District through community advocacy activities and to provide financial, material and volunteer support for the Library's programs, services and facility. 

Our working relationship with the Lassen Library District is spelled out in this Memorandum of Understanding (PDF).

Read, print our Informational Trifold Pamphlet (PDF) or pick one up at the Library.

Executive Officers

The operations of the Friends of the Library are overseen and managed by a 3-member Board of Executives consisting of a President, a Treasurer and a Secretary.  In the case of temporary or extended vacancies one officer can perform the duties of two officer positions except the President cannot also fill the Treasurer positon.

As per the Friends By-Laws officer vacancies can be appointed by the Executive Board. Appointed officers shall be subject to approval by a vote of the members present at the last meeting of the fiscal year.

The duties and level of effort required of each position are set forth in this "Officer Duties - Level of Effort Description" document (PDF)

Those who desire to perform in one of the executive officer positions should submit the "Friends Officer Application Form" (PDF)

President:  Jeffrey Hawkins
Treasurer:  Maria Richards
Secretary:  Ellie Wiebelhaus

Mailing Address
Friends of the Library
1618 Main Street
Susanville, CA 96130

Contact Information
Phone: 530-257-8113
(leave message with Library staff)

EMail:  lassenfriendsoflibrary @  frontier.com

 End of Year 2024 Fundraising Results

 2024DeclMbrTherm    2024DecFndTherm


Four Ways to Contribute Financially to the Friends

As a 501(c)3 charitable organization, all donations to the Friends are tax deductible to the extend allowed by law.

1. Join the Friends as a Member.  We provide a tri-tier membership structure with annual membership fees as listed below. Membership is assigned according to the calendar year in which the membership fee is received. Print and submit our membership application form or obtain one at the library.

Individual Member............$20
Family Member ................$50
Benefactor Member.........$100

Membership Benefits:  All members will receive a Member ID Card, an annual Newsletter each February, a 10% discount on purchases of books and other items made available by the Friends and the Library. Benefactor members will also receive a Friends of the Library tote bag.

2. Contribute by cash or check. Membership is not a requirement to donate to the Friends. The Friends accepts monetary donations other than membership fees from all who wish to contribute.  

3. Donate via PayPal. Just click on the below button and use your Credit or Debit card to donate to the Friends. You do not need to have your own PayPal account to do this. Note that your contribution will be reduced by a 2.99% + $0.49 fee.

PayPal Donation OSDonate

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4. Purchase a Friends of the Library Tote Bag.  Available at the Library for $15



How We Use Your Donations

The Friends also receives revenues from grants that the group applies for on behalf of the library.

Except for an extremely low percentage of administrative costs all revenues collected eventually are channeled to the Lassen Library.

Past contributions to the library have been used to purchase books, pay magazine and e-book subscriptions, contribute to the purchase of children's computers and software, provide matching funds for grant applications, help with building maintenance projects and provide resources in support of the library's programs such as the Summer Reading Program. Since 2006 we have donated the following amounts to these areas:

Books & Magazines........... $38,085
Furnishings/Facility ..........  $16,714
Technology ......................  $12,541
Programming .................... $13,304

Our 2024 Financials Statement

Revenues --- $5,361.25 Expenses --- $5,098.04

Membership fees - - - $2,688.73

Programs Support  - - - $1,533.00

Other Donations - - - $755.50

Technology - - - $7.94

No-Bake Bake Sale - - - $1,292.02

Magazines - - - $501.70

Grants/Gifts - - - $550.00

Books & Media - - - $2,840.00

Tote Bag Sales - - - $75.00

Administrative Costs - - - $215.40 


 When We Meet

The Friends of the Library conducts quarterly meetings at the library at 4 p.m. on the first Tuesday in the months of January, April, July and October. Special meetings can be called and will be announced in a timely manner before the meeting. The public is invited and encouraged to attend all meetings - membership is not required to attend.

Our Founding and Official Documents 
(all are PDF PDF files)

By Laws
Articles of Incorporation 
Friends - Library Memorandum of Agreement
IRS 501(c)3 Application
IRS 501(c)3 Designation Letter
CA Tax Exemption Letter
CA Registry of Charitable Trusts Renewal (Form RRF-1)
CA Statement of Information (Form SI-100)
Federal Tax Returns (Form 990-N) for  201620172018 , 2019,  2020, 2021, 20222023
CA Tax Returns (Form 199N) for  20162017201820192020, 2021 , 2022 , 2023 
CA Sales Tax Returns 2018, 2020, 202120222023, 2024

1618 Main Street
Susanville, CA 96130
eMail: lassenlibrary @ citlink.net

The library will be closed until Early February 2025 for renovations
***  English as Second Language lessons will continue Mondays at Lassen College and Wednesdays at Shaffer Elementary
***  GED Preparation lessons will continue at Lassen College
***  Basic Computing classes will continue at United Methodist Church
***  Family Literacy Day will continue at United Methodist Church
***  Story Times will continue weekly at Margie's Book Nook
Event dates and times will be available on Facebook and the website Calendar of Events

January 1, 2025            New Year's Day
November 27, 2025      Thanksgiving
December 25, 2025      Christmas

Copyright © 2024  Lassen Library District