Zip Books
Funds for ZIP Books have been expended for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. The ZIP Books service is suspended until funding for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 is approved and allocated. We appreciate your patronage of this program and hope to resume it later this year.
Zip Books is a service that allows Lassen Library District patrons to request books or audiobooks not already held by the Library and have them delivered directly to their homes. Patrons must return the item to the Library when they are done using it.
The Zip Books program is currently funded through June 30, 2024. Zip Books requests can be made up to June 20, 2024 unless funding availability ends before then.
Please read the following program rules before ordering your Zip Book. Items that can’t be ordered through the program can be requested as an interlibrary loan from a library that has the book in its collection.
Patron and Zip Book items eligibility:
- You must be an adult and have a Lassen Library District library card in good standing (no outstanding late fees or other restrictions)
- Requests made on behalf of minors must be made by their parent/guardian on the adult’s library card..
- You may submit as many Zip Book requests as you like, but only one will be ordered at a time. Subsequent orders will be placed when the previously ordered item is returned to the library.
- You may only request books, large print books, or audiobooks that are not already held by the Library unless it is of a different format than the item the library already holds..
- You may not request items that are out-of-print, textbooks, study guides or of a reference nature, or items that do not meet the library's Collection Development Policy.
- You may not request an item that is not yet published and we cannot place an order on a pre-order holding list.
- Requested books must be $50 or less pre-tax. Requested audiobooks and foreign language books must be $75 or less pre-tax.
How to request a Zip Book:
- Please check the Lassen Library catalog first to ensure the item is not already in the library’s collection.
- Complete the Zip Books Request form (
download and complete or complete one at the library). Submit the form to library staff in person.
- Library staff will review your request to determine eligibility and/or that it has not previously been ordered. Library staff will notify you of the status of your request.
- If your Zip Books request is approved, you will receive a package from Amazon containing your requested item. The packaging may include a note on the packing slip indicating ‘Zip Books’. Please keep the packing slip in the book so that it is with the book when it is returned to the library.
How to return a Zip Book:
- All Zip Books must be returned to the library within 60 days.
- When returning a Zip Book to the library ensure all paperwork (packing slip/invoice) that came with the book is attached to enable library staff to properly identify the item and correctly process it.
- Items must be returned in good condition. New editions returned with heavy damage will incur the charging of damage fees and/or for a book replacement. Items that are not returned to the library will be charged as a lost item to your library account.
- Patrons who incur two instances of damaged or lost Zip Books items are disqualified from all future Zip Books eligibility
Zip Books is a statewide project of the California State Library. The Project is funded in whole or in part by the California Library Services Act. Zip Books is administered in California by the State Librarian.