
Elections Research Tools

Important Note

Many links on this page will display information from the most recent election until information for the next election becomes available and is posted.


National Election Calendar

Complete calendar of national election events provided by politics1.com

California Election and Voter Information

The major California Politcal Parties

American Independent Party

Democratic Party

Green Party Party

Libertarian Party

Peace and Freedom Party

Republican Party

Sources of information:

California Secretary of State 

Lassen County Registrar of Voters

Vote411 - Provided by League of Women Voters


Key Information Available:

    • Key dates/calendars of upcoming elections
    • How to register to vote
    • How to vote
    • Voting & ballot drop box locations
    • Official Voter Information Guides (usually available 2-3 months prior to the upcoming election)
    • Candidate lists and Candidate statements
    • Ballot Initiatives, Referendums & Measures information
    • Relevant forms for candidates, voters, and measures
    • Election Results (for most recent and past elections)
    • Campaign Financing and Lobbying information supplied by state candidates, donors, lobbyists, and others
    • Redistricting processes and results


Presidential Election Information

The Political Parties and Their Candidates

Directory of American Political Parties
Politics1 is a non-partisan public service to promote fully informed decision-making by the American electorate.

Presidential Candidate Positions on the Issues

SelectSmart -- Provides a Presidential Candidate Selector interactive tool to identify the candidates who share your positions on the issues. Provides an issue-by-issue review of the candidates' positions.

On the Issues - Every Political Leader on Every Issue

Understanding the Electoral College

U.S. Electorial College Web site by the U.S. National Archive and Records Administration

Opinion Polls

Polling Report 
An independent, nonpartisan resource on trends in American public opinion, from all major polls about current events and politics of interest to Americans.

Campaign Watch-Dog Groups

Fact Check
A project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. It is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, "consumer advocate" for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics by monitoring the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases.

Federal Election Commission
An independent regulatory agency, discloses campaign finance information, enforces the provisions of the law such as the limits and prohibitions on contributions, and oversees the public funding of Presidential elections

Follow the Money "The nation's most complete resource for information on money in state politics."

Open Secrets
A non-partisan, non-profit research group that tracks money in politics, and its effect on elections and public policy, aiming to create a more educated voter, an involved citizenry, and a more responsive government.

The Sunlight Foundation
A non-profit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to greater government openness and transparency. Provides tools and resources, including links to related web sites, that you can use to see what your governments and your elected officials are up to.

Election and Campaign Finance Reform Resources

Center for Voting and Democracy FairVote
Acts to change elections to guarantee universal access to participation, meaningful ballot choices and governments grounded in majority rule and fair representation. Goals include a national popular vote for president, instant runoff voting and universal voter registration in many states and a widely-discussed roadmap for replacing winner-take-all elections with proportional voting.

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Susanville, CA 96130
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The library will be closed until Early February 2025 for renovations
***  English as Second Language lessons will continue Mondays at Lassen College and Wednesdays at Shaffer Elementary
***  GED Preparation lessons will continue at Lassen College
***  Basic Computing classes will continue at United Methodist Church
***  Family Literacy Day will continue at United Methodist Church
***  Story Times will continue weekly at Margie's Book Nook
Event dates and times will be available on Facebook and the website Calendar of Events

January 1, 2025            New Year's Day
November 27, 2025      Thanksgiving
December 25, 2025      Christmas

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