
Adult Book Club

The Lassen Library District obtains books for its Adult Book Club from the NorthNet Library System Book Club in a Box library which is held and managed by the Butte County Library.

The full list of titles available can be viewed in the Book Club in a Box List of Titles. Selecting a title will display a synopsis of the book, an introduction to the author and a list of suggested discussion questions that may be used during the book club's discussion of the book..  

Each book title offered comes as a boxed set of multiple copies of the book and may be accompanied by a list of suggested discussion questions to facilitate club participant discussion.

Book Club participants must have a Lassen Library District library card in good standing as the books are checked out to them from our library catalog system. Lassen Library is ultimately responsible for the distribution, collection and returning of the sets to Butte County Library.

The Adult Book Club meets at the library on the second Wednesday of each month at 9:30 AM

1618 Main Street
Susanville, CA 96130
eMail: lassenlibrary @ citlink.net

The library will be closed until Early February 2025 for renovations
***  English as Second Language lessons will continue Mondays at Lassen College and Wednesdays at Shaffer Elementary
***  GED Preparation lessons will continue at Lassen College
***  Basic Computing classes will continue at United Methodist Church
***  Family Literacy Day will continue at United Methodist Church
***  Story Times will continue weekly at Margie's Book Nook
Event dates and times will be available on Facebook and the website Calendar of Events

January 1, 2025            New Year's Day
November 27, 2025      Thanksgiving
December 25, 2025      Christmas

Copyright © 2024  Lassen Library District